For information or enquiries call on +91 70370 38181


Trademark :

The website contains trade mark, graphic images, buttons, layout and other texts to distinguish its services and products. This trademark and service marks shall always remain intellectual property of the Company and are protected under the laws of India.

Copyright :

The information, text, graphic, images, pdfs, videos, sounds, link and any other information or other resources published or contained in the website are either owned exclusively by the Company or the Company has license to use the same, which will not be copied, distributed, displayed, reproduced by the user of the website, in any form or by any means whether electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise without written approval of the Company.

Hyperlink :

The Company never guarantees or intends to give warranties to Hyperlink(s) set-out on its website as to whether it will be accurate at the time of your access. These links are provided for convenience of the users only and may not remain current or up-to-date at the time of use. Since the Company has no control on such Hyperlinks, such Hyperlinks should not be construed as an endorsement, approval or recommendation by the Company of the owner or operator of these Hyperlink(s) or any information, graphics, materials, products or services referred or contained on these Hyperlinks, unless and until to the extent express stipulated to the contrary.

Information :

The Company hereby confirms and accepts that all information provided on the website (including general information) is not in the nature of advice. The Company is not obliged to monitor any transmission made through the representative webpage, however, the Company has the right to monitor any transmission or transfer of data if it is made through or made available to this website. The Company may use the "disclosure information" of the users which is gathered from the website. The Company shall not be liable to any information (direct or indirect) generated through any action taken or reliance by the user on any information or any other material accessed through the website including via any Hyperlink. The site may not operate continuously without any interruption. It may be suspended and/or discontinued with or without any particular reason at any time without the Company being liable for any direct or indirect loss to anybody as a result of such action.

Liability :

The Company, in any event, shall not be responsible for any loss and/or damage in any nature whatsoever, arising out of whether in contract or tort or otherwise which may be suffered by the user in connection with or arising out of use of the website or any Hyperlink either by way of loss of profits, loss of business opportunities, business interruption or loss of information etc.

Termination of Access :

Breach of any of the above-mentioned conditions by the user will attract immediate termination of the license of the user, without any legal notice. The provisions herein, excluding but limited to and disclaiming the liability of the Company will nevertheless survive such termination.

General :

If any of these conditions are unenforceable or declared illegal due to any reason, the remaining conditions shall, nevertheless, remain valid and continue to be enforceable. The user shall be completely responsible for all charges, fees, duties, taxes arising out of the use of the website.

Jurisdiction :

These conditions of disclaimer are governed by the relevant laws of West Bengal and the users are agreed to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent courts at Kolkata, India. To return to the site, click wherever indicated, and by doing so the user acknowledges that the user has read, understood and accepted the conditions herein.